Secrets About Law of Marketing

Adarsh Bn
7 min readApr 28, 2021


Marketing encompasses the strategies and tactics brands use to promote their products and services to consumers. Everything from market research to writing ad copy falls within the realm of marketing.

At first glance, marketing even a single product or service can seem like an enormous challenge. You understand the value of your offering — but how do you show it to consumers? And how can you ensure they actually pay attention to your message?

Understanding the basics here holds paramount importance

Law of Marketing

Marketing is more of science than based on creativity, it starts even before creating the product, it starts by understanding the consumers requirement & then developing the product fit that means a lot of research & data is needed to analyze before the product is developed

For example : I work in the ERP space, before the development of any ERP its imperative to analyze the tier to which it will cater to whether it is Enterprise Business or SME s

So when selling the product its important to address the specific audience at the just time which will increase the probability of sales

The whole purpose of marketing is to build a strong personal brand & make space in the minds of the consumers

The core here is to develop a high Quality product & then market it rather than vice versa which doesn't work in all practicality coz a great product sells itself as it leads to word of mouth marketing which is the best channel considered by the industry

Understand Traditional vs Digital Marketing

Put simply, digital marketing is using digital channels such as websites and social media as tools for marketing communication whereas traditional marketing on the other hand involves traditional channels, like billboards and printed media.

Of course traditional marketing doesn’t mean it’s old fashioned. Traditional marketing still plays an important role in people’s lives with the ever growing need to step out of the digital world.

In the same token, digital marketing is just as important as traditional if not even more so. Digital marketing uses every touch point of your daily use of the internet to reach you.

Which type of marketing should you use?

The key to a great marketing campaign is to find the right balance between traditional and digital. In 2020, digital marketing is the yin to traditional marketing’s yang. Both play an important role in a marketing strategy, but they are each elevated when used in unison.

Find what works for you

Ultimately both types of marketing have their benefits and downfalls, but the key is understanding your specific marketing needs, considering your budget and understanding your target audience.

Traditional marketing channels are often more expected and welcomed by the Baby Boomer generation and Gen X — people who own televisions and prefer to buy newspapers for example. However, digital marketing is a surprisingly suitable route for all ages, not just millennials and Gen Z — my nan spends hours scrolling through Facebook, sharing Lad Bible videos and shopping online.

The moral of the story: both digital and traditional marketing can work for you, as long as you know what your audience wants.

Direct Response marketing:

Direct response is a type of marketing designed to elicit an instant response by encouraging prospects to take a specific action

In simple terms it calls for action, for example : A real estate ad in the newspaper with phone number calls for action

CATT Marketing Funnel

CATT Marketing funnel has 4 important cogs in the wheel they are Content, Attention, Trust, and Transaction

Its important for every successful business to follow this process to yield great results

Lets discuss further on each of these cogs

Niche : Niche is the most critical deciding factor for any business to be successful

Hence it holds paramount importance to select the right niche based on your talent & passion based on the market conditions


“Content is the asset on which your successful business is built on”

Content matters a lot, especially in digital marketing. content determines the growth of the business. So, make sure whatever the content is getting posted on social media its adding value to the people

Content can be created in multiple ways like live webinars, lead magnet, videos & blog posts.


The challenge here is to drive your audience to your content ?

There are different methods to achieve this, they are Paid Ads, SEO, referrals etc

Organic promotion usually takes time but inorganic gives you an instant boost


Its critical to build trust with your audience in order to make sales

The best way to build trust is to put yourself in front of them & be honest & genuinely show them value

This will boost your sales & help to build your brand


If above three secrets has been followed properly then transaction/sales becomes easy.

please understand money is a by-product of adding value via your content and once you build the trust of your target audience making sales is a piece of cake

Integrated Digital Marketing

Above represents the illustration of integrated digital marketing

Integrated digital marketing is a robust framework which includes the below elements

Email Marketing : Email Marketing is a powerful marketing channel, a form of direct marketing as well as digital marketing, that uses email to promote your business’s products or services. It can help make your customers aware of your latest items or offers by integrating it into your marketing automation efforts. It can also play a pivotal role in your marketing strategy with lead generation, brand awareness, building relationships or keeping customers engaged between purchases through different types of marketing emails.

Paid advertising : Paid advertising is any kind of advertising that you have to pay for, With paid advertising, marketers pay the owner of ad space in exchange for use of that space. The price paid for the ad space is often settled through a bidding process between marketers and the ad space owner.

SEO: SEO is a fundamental part of digital marketing because people conduct trillions of searches every year, often with commercial intent to find information about products and services. Search is often the primary source of digital traffic for brands and complements other marketing channels. Greater visibility and ranking higher in search results than your competition can have a material impact on your bottom line

Social media : “Social media marketing is the process of creating tailored content for each social media platform to drive engagement and promote your business.”

Social media marketing is all about connecting with your audience or customers and helping them understand your brand better. It is incredibly beneficial to your business growth.

Content Marketing : Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Upskill your communication

Communication with your target Audience holds the key to marketing your product, that doesn't mean we need to use sophisticated language to capture customers but its effective communication

To communicate better you should think in English & write a lot which will give you clarity of thoughts

Personal Branding

The term personal branding is especially used by digital marketers. They are representing themselves instead of their company because when people start trusting someone then it becomes easy to represent their company in front of their audience and get the same level of trust.

As you know Digital Deepak (Deepak Kanakaraju) when it comes to digital marketing. But most of the people don’t know about Pixel Track, but again when his followers get to know about Pixel Track they would have the same kind of trust on Pixel Track too

However, it is is not mandatory to have a company behind personal branding. They can have the source of earning on a personalized basis. Like, consulting, coaching, selling services, or a keynote speaker.

The simple concept of personal branding is to make people trust & to build a personal brand. Remember personal branding should be niche-specific, universal targeting can be harmful.

Mass Trust Blueprint

Mass trust blueprint represents step by step evolution from a beginner in digital marketing to becoming a digital mentor/Start up founder

Its a circle but this circle never ends, it keeps on evolving


I hope this article gave you an insight into understanding the law of marketing and you secrets of marketing. However, if you still have any doubts related to marketing don’t hesitate to ask me and please share your feedback also in the comment section.

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Disclaimer: This is part of Digital Deepak Internship Program

